Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sitting with Santa 2006: Auntie Kimberly with Weston, Anna and Lil Sis Tina

Is it just me or is Santa smiling more in the photo of me and lil Sis sitting on his lap or what? And check out those cool shades on my neice and nephew!!
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

God Daughter Day 3/18/07

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These are my Beautiful God Daughters: upper row from left to right (youngest to oldest) Krystar, Synthia, and Michelle. We were making mosaic teracotta pots. They had the most fun breaking the plates and tiles. Mom (Christine) hide your dishes!!

Our Log in date to China for Rachel

Hello everyone,

Just a little FYI to help you along in watching and waiting for us to receive our Referral (photo and package sent to our agency of Rachel from China) for Rachel's arrival. Our Log in date (LID) is November 14th or 2005. When you click on the China Adoption Affairs link - look over to the right side for "adoption processing". The placement date here is when latest group has received their referrals/photos. You will notice that the current date is 10-24-05!! We are only 2 groups away. The posts are moving about 11 days of the month closer everyone month-month in a half. Hope this helps you. Ask if you have any questions.

Have a great day!!!!


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Rachel's Nursery

I wanted the nursery to be of a garden theme. As in "watch your garden grow". We weren't sure exactly how old Rachel would/will be when she arrives. So, this was a great transitional room for her to blossom and grow into. Tim and I painted the walls a faux lavender and even the ceiling is a periwinkle blue. Enjoy.
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We took the doors off of the closet and decided that curtains were much more efficient and the purple polka dots so whimsical and fun. The closet started w/ just a few items and the sectional hanger was Daddy's idea for outfits for each day of the week (forever the engineer). However, Mommy took over and now the hidden sectional hanger to the left of closet is overloaded now w/ atleast 30-40 adorable onesies, leggings, shorts, capris, t-shirts and etc. from Gymboree. The asian outfit in red is from our God daughters and their parents. The lamp's shade was decorated and embellished by Mommy and the table from Targe' (Target) was also embellished by ribbon and purple pom poms. The cards are Mommy's and Daddy's very first Mother's and Father's Day cards from eachother for the year of 2006.
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I carefully selected the bedding after hours/days logged onto many websites. It is lavender and green w/ ladybugs and daisies. I personally sewed specially ordered lace trim onto the comforter and matching curtains to give it a more feminine touch. The Ling (Asian) doll in the corner was from Venita and speaks Mandarin and English to help Rachel transition simple sayings like hello and etc. The sheep and the frog are Ty babies that I purchased over 10 years ago for my first child and have had them tucked safely away. The lavender Carebear is from Nana and Peepaw Odom for Christmas 2006, and the Lula baby sleep sheep from Mommy and it mimicks sounds in the womb, whale cries, rain, and etc to soothe baby to sleep, the Panda (symbol of China) from Gymboree and is a backpack as well. The adoption creed a nursery gift from Cathy.
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Tim placed shelf up over closet (decorated by Mommy w/ green braces and ladybugs underneath) for whatnot's and also put up the adorable chair-rail of flowers for a 3-D effect. The mirror is a work in progress and will have shutters attached w/ hinges when we find the correct dimensions for the mirror. The end result will be a mirror that looks like a window. Isn't Betsy Butterfly just too precious from Targe' online order only. And ck out that fabulous t-shirt for Daddy!!
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We have quite the collection of books and etc from China. The shelf was a shower gift from a patient and was immediately put to use. Shelf is adorned w/ gifts from so many very loving friends. Baskets lined w/ green and lavender gingham are all over the room and on shelves from all different sizes. Some liners had to be hand made from Mommy - thank you Home Economics class!!!
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Mommy fell in love with Pottery Barn for Kids and got most of her furniture concepts from there. Daddy's saw price tag and put foot down on Mommy's allowance/budget for these $$$$ PB price tags. Thank you Targe' for having similar and sturdy nursery furniture by Bassett Baby. Grandparents Burnett's purchased bed for us. Daddy got even happier over this :-D Since we did so good on keeping cost of furniture down - Daddy allowed Mommy to splurge for down-filled Pottery Barn Dream Rocker w/ removable white slip cover. Mommy's favorite thing in nursery!!! Monogrammed pillow cases for when Rachel's older and it's safe to sleep w/ pillow. Over the door wall pocket supposedly for diapers and etc. ooooooor hidden Gymboree receipts from Daddy :-)
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Simply precious wall plaque to go over Rachel's crib "Always Kiss Me Goodnight" found in adorable gift shop locally. Mural on ceiling painstakingly painted. Only took 3 attempts to get the perfect precious clouds and lighting effects. Mommy even took nasty tumble (landed on paint can back first) and broke rib from climbing up and down ladder to inspect the painting from below. I didn't give birth - but now I can at least tell her my "Mommy broke a rib for you" story :-D
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Regarding the Waiting for our Rachel Blog spot


It seems that Auntie Val with Heartsent is going to take over the blogspot that she was so wonderful to create for us and when we travel to China and are inundated with so much to do - she will be doing the posting of pics and etc. She has done this many times and is much better than we are. In the meantime - I will be keeping you updated on this site as the journey up to our travels to China continues. We received our travel package which describes what to expect and is an itinerary of what to do when we're in China and even what to do and expect when we return. Since it's been 16 months since we were officially logged into China and haven't heard a peep since - and 24 months since we first met with Heartsent (our agency) this is VERY EXCITING to us. It seems that it is really going to happen. We're between computers and when hubby puts things into a higher gear - I will be posting some pics of the nursery and etc.



Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Adventures of KimmyAnn Introduction


I'm Kimberly or otherwise known as KimmyAnn. I'm a beginner blogger who is about to travel to China to collect my beautiful adopted daughter who I've waited on w/ my husband, Tim for over 24 months now. I currently reside in Southern California but am a transplant from Arkansas - what a dichotomy :-). I'm a Registered Dental Hygienist by day - but in my spare time love to garden, cook with fresh herbs, scrapbook, dance w/ my ipod on or while the stereo is turned up HIGH, gab with my friends, and most of all smooch on my husband. I have been married for over 20 years, have no children.......yet, 2 kitties, 2 beta (fishies), one little sissy, loving parents, an amazing niece and nephew, and 3 beautiful God daughters. I have a wealth of friends from all over the country as well as here close by. I hope to hear from everyone of you!!

Life is in session..............................please attend!!
