Monday, July 9, 2007

The Big Day!!!

Early in the morning - I wrote in the journal I've created for Rachel since the adoption began. We both went to work and somehow made it thru the day til 1:00 pm. Dad drove 90 Mph all the way to Pasadena. His palms were sweaty and his breathing very heavy. But, when we met w/ our agency Kerri and Maggi and after seeing Rachel's photo - we said "Where do we sign?!" It was a no brainer. Don't give up 28 months before the miracle.

Mom (Kimmyann)
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Monday, July 2, 2007

Picture of my Lil Sissy and the family July 2007

Sorry my fellow Californians - Atlantic beaches (like in this picture) are so much better! If this weren't a black and white you would see snow white powdery sand and the water temp is like swimming pool/bathwater temp.
And Anna will be here in 3 weeks - YIPEE. She doesn't care - kids have the skin of seals. Hang in there Weston - just a few more years and you'll get your Ca vacation with Aunti and Unkie.