Monday, July 2, 2007

Picture of my Lil Sissy and the family July 2007

Sorry my fellow Californians - Atlantic beaches (like in this picture) are so much better! If this weren't a black and white you would see snow white powdery sand and the water temp is like swimming pool/bathwater temp.
And Anna will be here in 3 weeks - YIPEE. She doesn't care - kids have the skin of seals. Hang in there Weston - just a few more years and you'll get your Ca vacation with Aunti and Unkie.


TaiwanMommy said...

Your entire family is lovely!

What's this about a referral??????

KimmyAnn said...

Val (FGM),

We recieved our referral today. We finally have our Rachel on her way. We won't see her picture or stats until Monday July 9th. I'll call you tomorrow.

